I'm seriously very busy now... but to keep a promise to myself, I'll try to update this blog. I had no idea what to write. So I will write about something I know really well: ME! ^_^
This is a current picture of me: at 0020 hrs Aussie time 2 May 2006. I just snapped it using my webcam as my digital camera broke down. I'm having 4 lectures and 2 meetings tomorrow, so it is kinda hectic day for me. Weekend had been good, spent lazing around during nothing. Currently is watching the Korean serial Love In Harvard starring the very enchanting Kim Tae Hee. Maybe I will talk about it tomoro =)
By the way, been very active in the gym recently, running on the treadmill for a minimal of 2km per session. Been very happy with my progress coz now can running for more than 4km without feeling tired. And also was practising on my guitar too.. but till now can only play a song well.. try to guess which song is tat ^~^
I guess that's all for this post now.. will try to cough out something more substantial tomoro.
haha...ur cam broke down?
told you olympus one no use liao lo... keke...
aiya, no need guess lar, everyday only play that song...listen till sien d lar... mm...btw, if merely playing the guitar it's not bad, but when u sing along...OMG!...speechless...feel so bad to close my ears in front of u... :P
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