Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Study group

2 days to first paper of exams!

I had been busy studying. Here's the proof. Group study was kinda fun. There were so much laughter and unconcerned banter but we do get the things done in the end. It was akin to taking a longer route with lots of sidetracking but prettier sceneries.


I guess we all treat exams differently. Some prefer study alone, some in groups. Likewise, some of us very stressed, some still happy as if exams very far away:


But we are very lucky coz got Santa Claus bought Mamee Mee for us.


And Santarina who baked us cheese cake tart and lots of "happy food".


How I wish my exams are tomoro! Now I need to be stuck with my notes for two more days.

On a brighter note, my first blog post was finally published in the Monash Pharmacy Blog! It was quite a challenge to actually promote the campus on a subconscious level, ie. to promote it while not really looked like that I'm promoting it. And if you see the photo accompanying my post, I'm actually in it. =)


Anyway, for everyone taking an exam, best wishes!

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