Xtra spices on caricatures in S'wak Tribune
Now the drama surrounding S'wak Tribune got more interesting... it is now revealed by Melanyi that the caricature in fact had been published before the Feb 4 issue. The first publication is on Feb 2 in a 'picture in picture' format - the same format that got guang ming daily a 2 week suspension. The interesting news is that nobody seems to be aware of it..not even me! But after checking on that day's paper..it is indeed there..quite clear too..
It looks like that Melanyi deemed that there is no harm done by reprinting the caricature as there are no public outcry at all over the first publication. This leads me wondering are the public really angered by the printing of the caricature or that it is the federal government who make such a big outcry... from my experience, S'wak Malays are a moderate and open minded lot.. even PAS cant survive here..
Definately someone is making a mountain out of molehill here, and in the process igniting public sentiments and aggrieved the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslilms.. in my opinion those brought up the issue in oublic should be the one detained by Internal Securities Office instead of S'wak Tribune editors being made the scapegoats...
Malaysian General Election - A Reflection From A Malaysian in Australia
Everyone likes to feel that we have a calling for something bigger than
ourselves. During the election season, this manifests as engagement in all
6 years ago
U arh..... U know, I'm no more receiving Sunday Tribune. haih..
Kesian laa S'wk Tribune. The paper had been in M'sia for so so so long. Haih... Kesian...
haha..shows just how do our gov practices double standards.....nst and tv2 got away as if nth happened...sigh
eekk.. how come u ppl know more stuffs about M'sia than me one!!!! gosh..i'm like katak di bawah tempurung liaw...
who ask u don wan to read the papers ar...sigh...
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