Saturday, February 04, 2012

我的台湾日记 - 第二天


We woke up and was greeted by a cold and rainy Taiwan.


Hence the best thing to do was to burrow down into one of Taiwan’s many underground shopping mall.


However suggestive the word underground sounded, the mall was by no means a 18 only restricted area.


It really wasn’t.


It was really a shopping mall, but they do have a lot of anime themed shops, including a couple of “maids restaurant”.

When we exited the place around 4pm, the rain had not abated, even 101 was half shrouded by sleep.


For dinner, we decided to visit the restaurant of a certain mysterious Mr. J. The food didn’t disappoint.

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A stroll around the heart of Taipei at night proved to be the high note of the day. The place was alight with colours and the festive air of CNY. Simply beautiful and mesmerizing. 


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